Monday, June 22, 2009

SUMMER!! Yes!! This is exciting! So far, swimming, hanging out, staying up late, watching Degrassi at 3:00 in the morning, and just having fun...I forgot how totally awesome summer really is. I mean during the school year you're like what in the heck am I supposed to do with all this free time? But when summer comes, it's totally not what you fun fun!!

Friday, May 29, 2009


Good afternoon everyone...not really. I mean would it be offensive if I asked why in the world girls don't understand the meaning of "talk to me?!" It's insane...boys...stay away from girls for as long as possible. We're just a bunch of drama creating, pushy, overbearing, maddening, and crisis prone people. All we do is spin our little webs of mischief behind the scenes and love you to your face. No one can admit they are mad! For heaven's sake be mad! Throw a hissy fit so I know how you're feeling and at least attempt to fix the problem...

Ok now that my tantrum is over I'll continue...Girls aren't all bad. We're good I can't really think of anything...that makes me sad. Well if anyone thinks of anything please help me...we girls would appreciate it. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I want it to be summer. That's it. Why can't we just skip the last quarter of school and go tanning. Ugh...I guess I'll have to wait. I have a feeling this summer will be worth it. 

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ahhh!!! TGIF!!!

Ahhh good morning everyone!! It's Friday!! TGIF!! So, today after school Olivia, Alyssa and I are going to watch 7Pounds at Alyssa's house since it just came out on Monday. Ahhh I'm really excited. We're gonna cry like crazy and then eat junk food. Hmm...Sunchips...I can't wait!

So yesterday at dance we played a really funny game...well it wasn't really a game but whatever. Each one of us picked a style, a body part, adjective, and an adverb from the hat and danced according to what each said. Here's what I picked: crumping, knee cap, fruity, grounded. What the heck?! It was really fun though and everyone was laughing at me. I was laughing at myself too, but I went full on, all out, craziness!! Ahhh!! So funny.

So there's these really cool chairs in C-19 that spin around and around and around and get the idea. I have a lot of fun on them (can you tell I'm really fighting to find something to write about!?). They're really cushy too. You also can make them go up and down which is really fun to do.

Ok I found something interesting to write about. This weekend I went to West Coast Dance Explosion downtown Detroit at the Renaissance Center. That place is gorgeous. My room had a full on view of the Detroit River and I could see Canada from my window. It was really pretty. My studio placed #1 overall in the teen division and got pretty much all golds. Now that may sound like I'm bragging or being like,"Oh, it's just one more gold to add to my pile," but I'm not. Every piece at a dance competition gets something even if it's a bronzed or a high silver. It's kinda weird but it works.

Have a grrreeaaattt weekend everyone!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

This Weekend...

Coming home dance!!! Ahhh! I'm really excited. I got my dress this weekend and I still need to get my shoes. The dress is a light blue-ish and strapless, it's so cute. Here's the link to look at it- I wasn't able to go to homecoming because something came up but me and my friends planned everything out. We were going to go out to eat and then after the dance sleep over at someone's house...but that never happened with me so I'm really excited to go this time!!!

So I hurt my foot Monday in ballet and I don't really know what to do. I iced it last night but that didn't really do anything. Today is Company day and I don't know if I'll be able to do it. It hurts a little bit to walk but I can handle that. It's just the dancing that I'm worried about.

Anyway, I dropped my phone yesterday and it got completely crushed by my mom's car. She thinks I purposely put it under the car so she would run over it but, really?! I know this sounds shallow but I can't really live without my phone so why would I want my mom to run it over. Whatever...

I love spring! It was really warm yesterday and today it's supposed to be really rainy. :( I went for a run yesterday and it felt amazing. The sun wasn't too hot and the breeze wasn't that that sounded kind of tacky but it's true. I really don't like summer that much except for swimming. Spring is just perfect. You can lay out in the sun and not get charred and you can run around without sweating like crazy. Hmm...I love spring.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Honestly, this week has been the worst week of my life. I don't know what to do. People at dance don't care anymore and SIMUN was completely stressful.

Ok, so the reason dance was so awful is because, like I said before, they honestly don't care anymore. Do you realize how completely awful that is? I know this is going to sound really cheezy but they don't have the passion anymore. There, I said it. What about me? What am I supposed to do? I moved from Wisconsin to this? I honestly miss my home more now than ever.

SIMUN. Wow. Stressful. My country was the Czech Republic, which, can I just say, was a completely neutral country. I never had any opinion whatsoever because I was always neutral. I loved listening to other people debate but I really wanted to get involved. All I really could do was host peace talks and supply peace troops. Boring... I tried my best though and, I don't know, hopefully I got a good grade.

-Sarah Deeter

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

3 Days of School

This week is going to be amazing. Only 3 days of school and NO DANCE!! I get a week off!! I don't know what I'll do with my free time though. Today I went for a run and read The Shack. Jeez that book is sooo depressing. It's good though and I love a good book(um...who doesn't?)

Anyway, this weekend didn't turn out exactly the way I planned but it was pretty good. I was in the car for a total of 10 hours this weekend reading, eating, and listening to my iPod. You know what I don't understand? Why do people eat when they're bored? I do that all the time and then you feel like a sumo wrestler after the chow down, even though you weren't really hungry in the first place. Whatever, I'm young. I'll break the habbit when I start to gain weight. So, as it went, I actually didn't get to go to Chicago because it was some 21 degrees outside. There was no way my family and I were going to walk downtown in that weather. I think we're going over spring break because there's some tulip festival in the Spring. Anyway, the baptism was good, and little Leah is THE CUTEST baby on the planet. On Saturday I went to my uncle's school (he's a teacher and basketball coach) to play in the big gym. My cousins and I played with the mats and I fell and got a huge bruise on my butt. Ouch... 

The waterpark was pretty fun too. Our neighbors stayed in the room next to us and we swam  and went in the hot tub alot. On Friday night we pretty much chilled in the room and listened to our iPod's while the adults went out. It was pretty fun to hang out with them again. 

So, overall good weekend. Even though I didn't get to hang out with any of my friends from L.A., I think it was pretty fantastic.