Friday, April 3, 2009

Ahhh!!! TGIF!!!

Ahhh good morning everyone!! It's Friday!! TGIF!! So, today after school Olivia, Alyssa and I are going to watch 7Pounds at Alyssa's house since it just came out on Monday. Ahhh I'm really excited. We're gonna cry like crazy and then eat junk food. Hmm...Sunchips...I can't wait!

So yesterday at dance we played a really funny game...well it wasn't really a game but whatever. Each one of us picked a style, a body part, adjective, and an adverb from the hat and danced according to what each said. Here's what I picked: crumping, knee cap, fruity, grounded. What the heck?! It was really fun though and everyone was laughing at me. I was laughing at myself too, but I went full on, all out, craziness!! Ahhh!! So funny.

So there's these really cool chairs in C-19 that spin around and around and around and get the idea. I have a lot of fun on them (can you tell I'm really fighting to find something to write about!?). They're really cushy too. You also can make them go up and down which is really fun to do.

Ok I found something interesting to write about. This weekend I went to West Coast Dance Explosion downtown Detroit at the Renaissance Center. That place is gorgeous. My room had a full on view of the Detroit River and I could see Canada from my window. It was really pretty. My studio placed #1 overall in the teen division and got pretty much all golds. Now that may sound like I'm bragging or being like,"Oh, it's just one more gold to add to my pile," but I'm not. Every piece at a dance competition gets something even if it's a bronzed or a high silver. It's kinda weird but it works.

Have a grrreeaaattt weekend everyone!


  1. Haha you crumped!?!?!?!? I saw that in a movie once. Ugh it looked really creepy. Whatever Buhda Baby!

  2. The chairs in C-19 are nice!

    Mr. Fielder
